We have partnered with ZS2 for just that reason, their focus on moving the exterior construction industry forward, and doing that in a fast, effective, and sustainable way.
ZS2 is cementing the Structure to Struktura.
ZS2 specialize in building spaces that are environmentally sustainable by contributing to high performance building envelopes using magnesium (MgO) cement construction. This material not only minimizes energy loss but provides a stable and secure environment for sustainable and resilient construction practices.
The benefits of their method deliver unmatched durability and low carbon solutions. They are setting a new standard for sustainable and resilient construction practices, building spaces that are not only environmentally sustainable but designed to last.
The construction industry is currently at a crossroads due to the undeniable impacts of a changing climate. We need to use construction technology that is both climate resilient for the present and environmentally sustainable for the future.
These methods have multiple benefits, allowing for a rapid construction process, decreasing project timelines, as well as lowering both embodied and operational carbon footprint.
Traditional is not sustainable, environmentally or economically. We must re think how we build.